Advanced Life Support System Evaluator

The conquest of space turns towards the preparation of long-duration manned flights (planetary exploration), even towards the establishment of permanent space bases (on the Moon or Mars for example), and requires man to ensure his survival thanks to closed systems, without exchange of matter with the outside world. It is then a question of reconstituting artificially in a reduced space, under controlled conditions and with very fast time constants, the cycle of matter as it exists on earth. Life support systems must perform different functions: food production, water recycling, air control...
There is currently no method to evaluate the overall behaviour of a life support system, evaluate its reliability or define the necessary logistics... The ALISSE project (Advanced Life Support System Evaluator) is a project funded by the ESA (European Space Agency) and aims to develop a tool to evaluate these various parameters.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
Sherpa Engineering, France
Université de Liège - BEMS, Belgium
Empresarios Agrupados, Spain
Enginsoft, Italy
ICAST, Switzerland
Methodologic Partners