New version
​- Daylight dynamic simulation
- 46 new components
- Integrated Parametric runs
- Integrated Fortran compiler (new type)
- Improved documentation
- New library for building simulations

New TRNLizard plug-in
TRNLizard is a free plug-in for the Grasshopper interface in the Rhinoceros 5 program developed by Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Stuttgart. It allows users to perform combined daylight and thermal simulations (including 3D geometry) using the TRNSYS 18 simulation engine.

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New Complex Fenestration Model
The new glazing model developed by Schöttl in 2013 has been restructured and integrated into the multi-zone construction model (Type 56) for TRNSYS 18. This model is available as a No-Standard component for advanced users. A separate tutorial explains the use of the model in more detail. Please contact Transsolar for further information.

TRNSYS - TRaNsient SYstem Simulation tool

TRNSYS is a dynamic thermal simulation software developed by the University of Wisconsin.
TRNSYS (pronounced "tran-sis") is a dynamic thermal simulation software. It is thus used for the simulation of transient systems. It can therefore be used to evaluate the performance of thermal or electrical energy systems, but it can also be used to model other types of dynamic systems. The software is developed in FORTRAN code.
Kernel and Components Librairy

Calculation routine and extensive component library
The TRNSYS software consists of two parts. The first is based on a powerful calculation engine (kernel) capable of reading and running input files, iteratively solving the system, determining convergences and displaying system variables via a graphical interface. The second part of TRNSYS consists of an extensive library of components, each allowing the simulation of the performance of a specific part of a system. TRNSYS standard library includes about 150 models, ranging from simple pumps to multi-zone building models, wind turbines, electrolysers, weather data processors and basic HVAC equipment....
All these components have been created in such a way that any user is able to modify them and even create their own new component, thus increasing the capabilities of the TRNSYS simulation environment.