Construire avec l'énergie

The "Building with Energy" action is an invitation from the Walloon Region to build more energy-efficient housing. This invitation is addressed to "Owner-Architect" couples.
The aim is to assist architects in the design of energy-efficient housing. The action is based on a voluntary approach by the architect who chooses to register one or more projects. The project is required to meet 5 energy performance criteria covering insulation, ventilation and systems. In addition to monitoring compliance with the criteria, site visits and training are organised by the project partners.
Specific BEMS Tasks
The team's role consists on the one hand in checking the applications submitted and on the other hand in organising and leading training seminars. Nearly 300 files have already been received to date.
Project Coordinator
Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction
Strategic Partners
Université Catholique de Louvain
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons
Université de Liège (LAP&T et CIFFUL)
Confédération de la Construction Wallonne
Methodologic Partners