Eco-design des climatiseurs

(Small) room air conditioners are becoming increasingly common in buildings, especially residential buildings. The summer heat waves, the increase in comfort requirements and the fact that this service is increasingly present in vehicles are all factors favouring the large-scale distribution of this equipment and the increase in its contribution to energy consumption. What are the current and future electrical energy consumption and environmental impact of domestic air conditioning systems in Europe? This research project funded by the European Union attempts to answer this question.
Based on an inventory of the current situation, how can the impact of the use of room air conditioners in the European Union be reduced? The team's specific contribution is to measure the efficiency of individual air conditioning systems sold on the European market when working under real conditions. For this, tests are carried out in the climatic chamber of the Jacques Geelen Laboratory, subjecting the equipment to precise meteorological conditions (climate in Rome, Stuttgart in Stockholm). These tests complement those carried out in the infrastructures of the ULg Thermodynamics Laboratory under standardised conditions.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
Ecole des Mines de Paris
Strategic Partners
Université de Liège - BEMS
Building Research Establishment
Austrian Energy Agency
University of Athens
Methodologic Partners