Pôle de coopération territorialisé transfrontalier, levier d’une offre locale d’éco-construction et d’éco-rénovation

Eco-trans-faire - "Cross-border territorialised cooperation centre, lever for a local eco-construction and eco-renovation offer, to meet local housing, environmental, employment and training challenges, to enhance local heritage and reduce energy insecurity by supporting the change of actors (project owner, companies, etc.)". The geographical entity Wallonia-Lorraine-Luxembourg has a number of common points. These, given below, were the initiators of the project: A common living area in the Greater Region An old housing with the same characteristics An important potential for an offer in eco-renovation of existing buildings An increase in energy insecurity An increase in building companies little trained to the new technical constraints and to "work together" of the different trades; A mismatch between the supply in the building sector and the skills of job seekers An inadequate training offer for eco-construction and eco-renovation An unsuitability between banking products and financing requests An inadequate investment in research into eco-materials and the development of local sectors.
The "ECO-TRANS-FAIRE" project, concerning the Wallonia-Lorraine-Luxembourg geographical entity, aims to set up a local offer in eco-materials, waste and resource management, potential source of new jobs.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Modeling a sustainable economic sector around eco-construction and eco-renovation.
Support in the design of training courses in the field of eco-materials.
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
Agence de Développement local de Tintigny - Habay, Belgique
Centre de Recherche Henri Tudor, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Comité d’Aménagement de Promotion et d’Expansion de Meurthe et Moselle du Département de Meurthe et Moselle, France
Commune de Beckerich, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Commune de Tintigny, Belgique
Commune de Villers-La-Chèvre, France
Conseil d’Architecture d’Urbanisme et d’Environnement de Meurthe et Moselle, France
Forum pour l’Emploi, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Hop communication, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Pépinières La Gaume, Belgique
Université de Liège Campus d’Arlon, Belgique
Université de Lorraine, Institut Universitaire de Technologie Henri Poincaré de Longwy, France