Optimisation de la demande d’énergie par le pilotage d’applications thermiques en vue de l'intégration au réseau de sources de production intermittentes et valorisation économique de la flexibilité

Global warming and energy dependence on fossil fuels (increasingly scarce and expensive) are forcing us to control the energy demand of society as a whole. The European Union has set a framework and a target (20-20-20) to reduce primary energy consumption by 20% and at the same time increase the share of renewable energy sources to 20% of energy consumption by 2020. Increased penetration of renewable energy sources on all electricity transmission and distribution networks is essential for this purpose. Currently, the increase in decentralised production of electricity from renewable sources on the Walloon local grid is limited by the intermittent nature of the solar and wind resource, which makes it difficult to balance the grid.
Global warming and energy dependence on fossil fuels (increasingly scarce and expensive) are forcing us to control the energy demand of society as a whole. The European Union has set a framework and a target (20-20-20) to reduce primary energy consumption by 20% and at the same time increase the share of renewable energy sources to 20% of energy consumption by 2020. Increased penetration of renewable energy sources on all electricity transmission and distribution networks is essential for this purpose. Currently, the increase in decentralised production of electricity from renewable sources on the Walloon local grid is limited by the intermittent nature of the solar and wind resource, which makes it difficult to balance the grid. The overall objective of the FLEXIPAC project is to enhance the potential for flexibility in local electricity demand by users of the low and medium voltage network, with a view to intelligent management of these networks subject to an increasing injection of intermittent production. By translating the results of this research into recommendations for the organization of networks, FLEXIPAC is contributing to the evolution of the conditions for the emergence of a truly intelligent and sustainable electricity network in Wallonia. Similarly, the project will contribute to raising awareness among active producer-consumers (or prosumers) of the flexibility they can offer network operators and balance managers and the economic value of this flexibility. To improve the flexibility of demand at the prosumer level, FLEXIPAC is interested in the time-programmed displacement of certain electrical loads as well as the thermal storage of electricity in buildings using heat pumps. The project is structured around three complementary research axes, consisting of : improve short-term prediction tools for solar and wind energy production by further characterising forecast meteorological models and their adaptation to the local scale; characterise more precisely the local heat and cold demand of buildings in order to predict and optimise their thermal storage capacity; optimise the management of flexible local demand by developing cost models making it possible to economically exploit the flexibility offered by heat pumps in different types of application. The added value and innovation of research lies in the following aspects: The preferences and consumption habits of users of thermal storage systems will be analysed in detail through a sociological survey, and integrated into local energy demand optimisation models. The technical, economic and sociological assumptions underlying the local demand optimization models will be validated by a responsible supplier using a steering tool designed for the occasion. One of the project's axes, explicitly focused on the economic development of the flexibility of electricity end-uses, will reserve a large part for recommendations relating to the adaptation of the policy and regulatory framework for intelligent and sustainable electricity networks.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
Université de Liège - BEMS
Strategic Partners
Masser : Parrain
Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège, CECOTEPE
Université Libre de Bruxelles, IGEAT
Université de Liège, Laboratoire de Thermodynamique
Université de Liège, Laboratoire de Climatologie et Topoclimatologie
Methodologic Partners