Reliable Building Energy Performance Characterization Based on Full Scale Dynamic Measurements

Rising living standards, depletion of natural resources and awareness of climate change have led to international pressure to significantly reduce energy consumption by buildings and communities. In several countries, stricter requirements are imposed by energy performance legislation and increased environmental awareness in building codes is also observed. Most of the time, the energy performance requirements and labelling of buildings are done in the design phase by calculating the theoretical energy consumption. However, several studies have shown that the actual performance after the building is completed can deviate significantly from this theoretical performance. Some of the differences can be attributed to user behaviour (one of the main research themes under Annex 53 of the IEA's ECBCS (, but the major part must be attributed to the physical characteristics of the building and its systems. For the latter, characterization of building performance based on large-scale dynamic measurements could help bridge the gap between expected theoretical performance and actual building performance. Large-scale tests are, for example, useful for studying the performance of building components and entire buildings as they are constructed in reality, including the influence of manufacturing.
The main objective of Annex 58 is to improve the characterisation of the energy performance of buildings, focusing on the residential sector and based on in-situ measurements on buildings in operation. The definition of this objective starts from the observation that the real performance of buildings very often deviates from the theoretical or calculated a priori performance when designing the building. It is therefore necessary to develop tools and methods to measure correctly and in situ, under real operating conditions, the real performance of buildings. These tools and methods must be scientifically validated and tested on case studies before being transposed into practice. This is the mission given in Annex 58. A secondary objective of Annex 58 is to provide ideal conditions for building component simulation model validation.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
Laboratoire de Thermodynamique de l’Université de Liège, Belgique
JCJ Energetics, Bureau de consultance , Belgique
CECOTEPE, Entité de recherche de la Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège, Belgique
Université de Liège Campus d’Arlon, Unités de recherches BEMS, Belgique
Methodologic Partners