Poste d'Essai « semi-virtuel » pour le test de systèmes de Production, de Stockage et de distribution d'Energie

The field of energy performance of buildings has expanded significantly in recent years. The technical possibilities have greatly evolved but this aspect can no longer be considered alone without taking into account other factors such as the comfort of the occupants, the exploitation of renewable energy sources, the intelligent use of these... The theoretical approach via mathematical simulations comes up against certain limitations and the testing of complex systems or combinations of systems becomes necessary in order to better understand the constraints of the field. The aim of the PEPSE project is to design, develop and commission a "semi-virtual" test station for heat and cooling production, storage and distribution systems in buildings. This platform will allow both the testing of prototypes of new systems but also to perform standardized tests to determine the energy performance of existing systems. It will be made available to the research teams of the energy efficiency research centre, to external research teams for testing or writing theses and doctoral dissertations, and to companies in the sector for testing or developing new products. The PEPSE project is part of the 2014-2020 programme of the structural funds subject to ERDF financing in the "Centre of Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development" portfolio.
The aim of the PEPSE project is to design, develop and commission a "semi-virtual" test station for heat and cooling production, storage and distribution systems in buildings. This platform will allow both the testing of prototypes of new systems but also to perform standardized tests to determine the energy performance of existing systems. It will be made available to the research teams of the energy efficiency research centre, to external research teams for testing or writing theses and doctoral dissertations, and to companies in the sector for testing or developing new products.
Specific BEMS Tasks
The team will be in charge of the design of the test station (plan and technical specifications of the components).
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
Université de Liège - BEMS
Methodologic Partners