Etude d'un Réacteur Intégré de Biométhanisation pour les effluents des PME

The general framework of this SME-RIB research is in the field of water purification and energy recovery and concerns, in priority, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The climate challenges linked to CO2 emissions due to global over-consumption (globalisation), the energy needs demanded by an increasing world population, the decrease in fossil energy reserves and the dangers linked to nuclear energy production have pushed Europe to invest for the future (Green race 2020) in measures favouring the development of a green economy. One of the objectives is to encourage, in companies, the development of new innovative energy production sectors, in order to achieve energy autonomy. Having fallen behind neighbouring European countries, the Walloon Region has developed a strategy aiming, by 2020, for a proportion of renewable energy production equal to 20%. The sectors targeted by this green industry are sustainable construction, biotechnology, waste management, services (eco-design, studies/analyses) and renewable energies. This will inevitably involve innovation and research in alternative energy production systems. By directly transforming biodegradable solid and liquid residues into thermal and electrical energy, the PME-RIB project clearly falls within the framework of the European and especially Walloon strategy. In Wallonia, small-scale biomethanisation is still marginal, but is tending to develop. The first valorisation of the 2010 SME-TANE Collective Research, which proposes a small-scale biomethanisation technology for wastewater, amply demonstrates this. It is also within this framework that SMEs in the agri-food sector have formulated a request, in order to be able to integrate the digestion of solid waste into the treatment of liquid effluents, but also to have an after-treatment integrated into the reaction unit in order to clarify the treated water. The potential market associated with this industrial demand can therefore be estimated on the basis of the deposit of biodegradable, liquid and solid organic waste from SMEs, mainly in the agri-food sector. We can also add the residues of dairy farms that develop small processing activities (butter, ice cream, cream, yoghurt,...), more and more numerous given the economic difficulties encountered by the sector. Finally, even if the purpose of use belongs to these SMEs, the first beneficiaries of the technology studied will be companies working in the field of water treatment and biomethanisation.
The objective of the project is to study the possibility of coupling the digestion of solid residues with that of wastewater from SMEs, while proposing a reactor form adapted to the innovative process and integrating clarification of the treated water, by using intrinsic overpressure to produce biogas. The main deliverables will therefore be: an integrated reactor laboratory pilot (< 1m³) ; a biogas pressure filtration effluent after treatment system a technology guide document including a design and dimensioning note, an economic biogas valorisation strategy and a metre.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Experimental study of economic solutions that will reduce the rate of aggressive gases to an acceptable level to guarantee an acceptable life span of biogas recovery equipment in electrical and thermal energy.
Optimisation of the recovery system (with thermal storage) and creation of a management tool for the biogas recovery equipment. The idea is to convert the chemical energy of the biogas at the optimum time. With a view to integration into an intelligent electricity grid (smart grid), it will therefore no longer be necessary to take into account only the biogas supply and energy demand of the SME (heating, cooling and electricity needs), but also the state of the electricity grid (supply/demand) at all times. The objective is increased economic profitability for the SME in addition to a favourable impact on the balance of the electricity network.
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
This collective research project is financed by the research programmes department of the DGO6 (Walloon Region). It is coordinated as follows:
Promoter : CEBEDEAU - Centre d'expertise en traitement et gestion de l'eau, Belgique
Partner : CEWAC - Centre d'Étude Wallon de l'Assemblage et du Contrôle des Matériaux, Belgique
Methodologic Partners