Smart Micro Cogen

Today's electricity grid faces major challenges: the need to ensure a continuous and ever-increasing source of energy, despite the production of electricity from intermittent renewable energy sources and the end of life of a large number of power generation plants. In addition, there is an urgent need to modernise Europe's electricity transmission and distribution networks. An economical solution to these problems is the integration of new technologies for low voltage power generation, including micro CHP systems (μCHP), which simultaneously produce heat and electricity. But to optimise the production of micro CHP systems, it is essential to integrate them into intelligent networks, which allow optimised management of energy demand and supply.
The objective of this study is to identify solutions for the integration of μCHP in smart grids. The first phase of the project includes the definition of target buildings in the residential and small commercial sectors. The final objective is to define guidelines for the management of micro CHP systems integrated into smart grids, based on technical, economic and environmental criteria.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
Project funded by Engie Electrabel
Methodologic Partners