The challenges of climate change, the growing dependence on gas and oil imports and the rising prices of energy are particularly topical issues. The economic and environmental impacts generated by these issues are already present today and will inevitably increase in the future. Knowing that, in Wallonia, approximately 30% of the total energy consumed is devoted to the thermal comfort of buildings, any innovative and reliable solution in this field contributes to reducing the Walloon energy bill. Its implementation will not fail to interest private individuals and will constitute an economic development opportunity for Walloon companies. Since the early 1980s, our research unit has focused mainly on practical solutions for building energy performance (BEP) or how to achieve maximum thermal comfort, 365 days a year, using as little energy as possible. It is within this unit that was developed, under the name EMETSURF, a completely innovative surface heating prototype.
The ambition of this project is therefore to develop and market a new heat emitter design that will reduce energy consumption for heating residential and commercial buildings, both new construction and renovation, by 20%. It will provide thermal comfort superior to the best systems currently available on the market and will enable installations to achieve high overall efficiencies thanks to its greater reactivity and low temperature operation. It will also be advantageous to couple it with production systems such as heat pumps or solar collectors. This original transmitter has, among other features, the following features: its constituent materials are commonly used in construction promoting rapid commercialization of the system. They are environmentally neutral, are quick and easy to install compared to conventional floor heating systems, can vary eight times faster, is three times smaller in size, weighs six times less and can work with less hot water than light floor heating systems currently on the market, has a higher maximum power and is better distributed. A first spin off grant was requested from the Walloon Region in order to carry out the additional research needed to move from the prototype to an industrialisable product and to carry out a more systematic market study. It is intended to create technological and economic added value for Walloon companies in the sector and, more broadly, for the energy and housing policy of our region. This project is based on a strong partnership with manufacturers and structures d´accompagnement. The protection of intellectual property rights has been taken into account by prior art searches which have made it possible to verify the novelty of the invention; a patent application has been filed and will make it possible to protect economic exploitation.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
This project is being carried out within the framework of the International Energy Agency (Implementing Agreement "Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems") and is Annex 48 of this Implementing Agreement. The participation of the University of Liège is financed by the Walloon Region.
Université de Liège (Laboratoire de Thermodynamique et DSGE)
Ecole des Mines de Paris
Université de Nüremberg
Madjid Madjidi consulting engineers
Politechnico di Torino
Université de Stuttgart
Concordia University, Canada
Methodologic Partners