Reversible air conditioning

Air conditioning in office buildings is an increasingly important component of energy consumption in buildings. This function is currently mostly provided by a refrigerating machine with refrigerant compression. Most of these cooling systems (air conditioning) generate heat (refrigerant condensation) at the same time, which is rarely used. Moreover, these systems are technically quite easy to reverse: in this case the refrigeration machine is transformed into a heat pump.
The international IEA48 project aims to study, in tertiary buildings, the potential energy savings resulting either from heat recovery at condenser level or from the reversibility of refrigeration machines. These possibilities are studied in terms of potential savings but also in terms of technical means.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
Strategic Partners
This project is being carried out within the framework of the International Energy Agency (Implementing Agreement "Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems") and is Annex 48 of this Implementing Agreement. The participation of the University of Liège is financed by the Walloon Region.
Université de Liège (Laboratoire de Thermodynamique et DSGE)
Ecole des Mines de Paris
Université de Nüremberg
Madjid Madjidi consulting engineers
Politechnico di Torino
Université de Stuttgart
Concordia University, Canada
Methodologic Partners