Valorisation par biométhanisation des effluents liquides de PME

In the context of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), much effort is currently being made in the field of wastewater treatment. SMEs in the agri-food sector are thus required to equip themselves with wastewater treatment plants. The activated sludge technology, the most widespread and best controlled, suffers from a conceptual handicap since it requires an expenditure in electrical energy (aeration, +/- 1 kWh/kg COD) to eliminate chemical energy (carbon from wastewater or COD). The specificity of effluents from agri-food SMEs is their relatively high concentration of biodegradable carbon, a characteristic that is very favourable for recovery by biomethanisation, the principle of which is to recover chemical energy from waste water in the form of methane, thanks to very marginal electricity consumption.
Small-scale anaerobic digester technology in water methanisation still needs to be optimised to make it technically and economically feasible. Little experience has thus been developed in recent years in Wallonia with regard to small units. To meet demand, it is important to adapt and further develop anaerobic technologies that are already proven on a large scale or at the conceptual stage. The purpose of the project is to develop a biomethanizer for liquid effluents from SMEs in the agri-food sector, characterized by high concentrations and small volumes. The research focuses on the development of the process and its adaptation to the SME context (hydraulics, energy recovery from the biogas produced, simplicity of operation and robustness) as well as on the development of an efficient bacterial support. While SMEs are the end users, the primary beneficiaries of the technology developed are companies in the water treatment sector, active in the capacities of the treatment plants concerned.
Specific BEMS Tasks
Project Coordinator
CEBEDEAU - Centre d'expertise en traitement et gestion de l'eau, Belgique
Strategic Partners
This collective research project is financed by the research programmes department of the DGO6 (Walloon Region). It is coordinated as follows:
Université de Liège - BEMS
Partenaire : CEWAC - Centre d'Étude Wallon de l'Assemblage et du Contrôle des Matériaux, Belgique
Methodologic Partners